Learning Forex (FX) Trading

Starting Investment In Forex On-line Traiding

Investment Preparation time has now come we discuss the most important part of this book, namely how to invest in the forex margin on-line trading. This chapter is presented so that we can invest properly and having to face the risk of loss, it was not caused by our misunderstanding, but the external conditions that are beyond our control. To start investing in FOT investors should take steps as follows:

Investment Risk Management Forex Trading

Introduction Like any other business, investment in the FOT also memiIiki risk diujudkan ultimately in the form of potential losses. However, the interesting part of this business is that the level of risk that can be set from the beginning, so it can know the potential level of losses that will occur. Setting the potential losses may be done by activating the facilities in the FOT, such as stop loss (stop loss) and the locking (lock the position of the loss / profit).


In currency transactions can not be separated from our expertise to analyze the movement of currency. This analysis is necessary to determine the direction of movement of the currency.

On-line Forex Traiding

Now we come to the discussion of the current investment trend in the 21st century, namely foreign exchange on-line trading (FOT), or complete foreign exchange margin trading online (FOT) are among the more commonly known as forex or forex trading (foreign exchange) is trading or foreign exchange currency with other currencies that do not involve the physical from the trade, but only worth it.

Forex Trading Legal Basis

The most important question for forex investors, before making an investment is how the forex trading legality? Where to report if an error occurs that causes a loss of trade at the investor? Forex trade in the futures trading, under the supervision of the Ministry of Trade, and arranged in the form of laws, namely Law No. 32 of 1997. This was done because of the complex nature of business, high risk and involve many parties in it. With this, legal certainty, the community can be protected from trade practices that disadvantage.

Short Selling

Definition and Understanding Short Selling One of the advantages of investment forex trading is the leverage or two opportuniy way, the opportunity to score well in state benefits are rising and prices were declining. Under conditions rising prices, the strategy used is the conventional trade, which first bought cheaply and then sell it. This is done on the real sector transactions. In forex trading, if the conditions are declining prices, investors can do short selling strategy, which first made the sale with prices still high just bought when prices are low / declining. In forex investments, short selling becomes mandatory and job knowledge required, too. Because, precisely this condition that often occurs. Therefore, investors need to know the ins and outs of this short selling.

Margin Trading

Definition and Understanding Margin Trading Margin in forex trading is a guarantee that the money deposited to the company's investor futures broker, so investors can make transactions through the futures brokerage firm. In Law No.. 32 of 1997 on Commodity Futures Trading, margin is defined as the amount of money or securities to be placed clients to brokers futures, futures brokers for futures clearing member or clearing member futures to futures clearing house, to ensure the implementation of futures transactions.

Basic - Basic Forex Trading

The definition and understanding of the forex trading foreign currency trading is no different than other goods, which happens exchange activity, in which the owner of the goods handed over the goods to the buyer, then buyer will hand over money in exchange for the acquisition of goods. In the case of currency trading, both sellers and buyers together give money, in exchange, but the money is a different origin. For example, we in Indonesia have the rupiah currency, then we want to buy the U.S. dollar, then we give our dollars to get the U.S. dollar.

Definition and Understanding Investment

Many businesses that can be done either in the short and long libertine, of all aims to obtain added value or benefit in the future. People memberli plot of land with the hope that land prices will become more expensive. People save money in the bank in the hope of earning interest from that savings.

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